Oct 14, 2019

We continue our Passion sermon series with a focus on community care, and how God uses broken people restored by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ to do good works, to care for the broken in our community. To meet the needs of the poor and the needy, the lost, the marginalized, and all those who are considered damaged goods by our society. We are a people passionate about caring for those in need in our community!
- Oct 14, 2019Broken
Oct 14, 2019BrokenWe continue our Passion sermon series with a focus on community care, and how God uses broken people restored by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ to do good works, to care for the broken in our community. To meet the needs of the poor and the needy, the lost, the marginalized, and all those who are considered damaged goods by our society. We are a people passionate about caring for those in need in our community!
- Oct 7, 2019Fellowship
Oct 7, 2019FellowshipWe continued our passion sermon series reflecting on our vision "People Passionate about Christ" and how we are a people passionate about fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Biblical fellowship has a much deeper meaning than just hanging out. We went to the Greek and looked at everything that "KOINONIA" encompasses: sharing, contribution, fellowship, and Communion.
- Sep 30, 2019Sharing Is Caring
Sep 30, 2019Sharing Is Caring"Sharing is Caring". We continued our focus on Hope's vision "People Passionate about Christ" and how we are passionate about caring for our brothers and sisters in Christ. In our gospel lesson, Jesus reminds us that wealth and money can be a trap. Greed can cause people to ignore God's commands to love our neighbor. The apostle John in his first epistle expands on this by saying that we as Christians cannot walk by the beggars at our door without being moved to act. Scripture is clear that if we are Jesus' we don't just talk about love and caring for others, we love in word and deed. May we all live every minute with our eyes and our hearts open to our brothers and sisters in need caring for them through the power of Christ in us.
- Sep 23, 2019WORTH
Sep 23, 2019WORTH"WORTH" It's something we look for and its a question that we ask ourselves in almost every aspect of our lives as we make plans and go about living. Is it worth it? The things we do, the time we commit, the money we spend, is it worth the investment? What about the church? Is there worth in going to church? What about reading and studying God's Word? Is it worth spending the time reading when there are so many other things that you could be doing? What and Where is the Worth in Word and Worship?
- Sep 10, 2019People Passionate about Christ
Sep 10, 2019People Passionate about ChristWhat is passion? What are our passions? Why is the suffering and death of our Savior called His passion? As we reflect on these questions we will broaden our understanding of what it means to be a people passionate about Christ?
- Sep 10, 2019A Matter of the Heart
Sep 10, 2019A Matter of the HeartThe Pharisees lie in wait to see if Jesus will heal on the Sabbath. Jesus however shows them and us today that its not about the failing heart of the man Jesus healed. Its about the lack of love toward those who are in need.
- Aug 13, 2019Trust doesn’t worry
Aug 13, 2019Trust doesn’t worry"Trust doesn't worry". How easy it is to become anxious when things go differently than we had hoped. We worry about ourselves and our loved ones. We experience everyday anxieties and big cosmic ones too. Sometimes anxiety can become so serious that professional help is needed. Paul writes in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Easier said than done, Paul! Jesus invites us to let anxiety be. Concerning the things most of us worry about—like food, clothing, provisions—Jesus observes that just as the birds, the lilies, and the grass are well-provided for, we will be taken care of as well. The adventure of life is one of faith: entrusting ourselves to the care of God, seeking first God’s reign, and experiencing the rich provision enjoyed by all of creation as a gift.
- Aug 4, 2019Remember who you are!
Aug 4, 2019Remember who you are!"Remember". The world likes to label people, either by ones successes or more often by ones failures. St. Paul in today's epistle lesson from Colossians 3 reminds us who we are. Your true identity is not found in your good works or your sins they do not define who you are. As a Christian your true identity, who you truly are is found in Christ Jesus. "In Him your life is hid" Remember who you are! You are a child of God!
- Jul 29, 2019Rooted
Jul 29, 2019Rooted"Rooted". What does it mean to be rooted in Christ? What are we to watch out for that can carry someone off as spoils? Listen to find out as we study the second chapter of Paul's Letter to the Colossians.
- Jul 14, 2019Where