Mission and Outreach
Quilt and Prayer Shawls
Graduation Quilts
For each graduating class, our ladies work to make a quilt for each of our high school seniors. During a service in June, following their graduation, the seniors and their parents are invited to the Altar. The youth are wrapped in their quilts and they are blessed, together with their parents, by Pastor or a Deacon. These quilt presentations have been occurring for the past 10 years at Hope.
Mission Quilters
Mission Quilters meet on 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. from September to May. Pack a lunch and stay all day. Or stay as long as you want.
- We are quilting, sewing, cutting and tying in the lower level of the church building.
- We work with all donated materials to construct quilts with batting for the homeless, quilts with no batting for use in Foreign outreach missions, baby quilts and quilts to be given to our graduating high school seniors.
Everyone is invited to stop by and see if there is anyway you would like to help with any of these Mission Outreach Projects.
Busy Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry
Busy Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. from September to May. We gather to pray, knit, crochet and quilt shawls and lap robes. All materials are donated to us. We have patterns and many colors and styles for men, women and children.
The shawls and lap robes are created to bring love, comfort and warmth to those who need to feel God’s love wrapped around them.
We would like to extend an invitation to all members of Hope Lutheran to prayerfully consider persons they know, in their family, church family, and community, that could benefit from receiving one of our shawls or lap robes.
These are given freely as Christ has given to us.
Who Could Use a Prayer Shawl
Any Man, Woman, Child who is:
- Undergoing surgery
- Medical test/procedures
- Suffering a loss
- Hospice patients
- Expectant mothers
- The elderly
- The list goes on…